Saturday, January 28, 2012

A weekend of rememberance

Girls Night!

Yesterday, I had quite possibly one of the most memorable days of my life to date. I was able to take a bus to Normandy and walk on Omaha Beach, see the American Cemetery, and walk the Battlefield at Pointe du Hoc! I was very at peace and yet overcome with emotion while I walked around the area (potentially, because we watched Saving Private Ryan on the way there) The most moving moment was as Ellen and I walked down Omaha Beach discussing the utter greatness and sadness that we were now a part of, it began to DOWNPOUR, not rain misty like it has non stop but sad movie DOWNPOUR! It was an unbelievable feeling and then as we finished our walk on the beach, I took one step onto the boardwalk and the ran stopped! It was a completely existential moment that felt like it was a great scene directed straight out of a movie! After that, the sun came out and gave us an absolutely perfect day as I walked through the beautiful cemetery for all the American heroes who fought and bravely lost their lives for our country. It was truly an unreal feeling. And then we traveled down the road to the Pointe du Hoc, where our Rangers successfully won the battle! It was amazing! Bunkers frozen in time, huge craters from air raided attacks, actual bullet holes in the walls of bunker walls! It was a truly amazing day that I will never forget! And to keep up with the memorial pace... We went to Paris' Catacombs today! Over 6 million dead people and all of their bones all over the place! It was truly eerie.

Hills of Omaha Beach!

Bullet holes in the wall!

The Catacombs!!

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