Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Art of Burying Your Dead...

So this is what communal showers are like....

Well as the rain continues to leer over every afternoon I continue to press forward and adventure! Yesterday after classes, I followed the French Art class to the Musee d'Orsday! Basically, the what comes next in art after the Louvre. The museum itself was gorgeous! It was a phenomenal train station built simultaneously with the Eiffel Tower to suit the upity people coming for the world fair going on. It was out of commission very shortly after as a train station but makes for an awesome museum lay out. I studied the works of Manet, Monet, Ingres, Degas, Courbet and many others on the journey to Impressionism in history. They wouldn't let anyone take pictures so that memory will just have to stay in my head for now. Today, I traveled just down the road past the Luxembourg Gardens to Paris' Le Pantheon! It's now used today as a mausoleum for some of France's most elite dead. It is a gorgeous building that was once a church and holds some of France's greatest stories. As we traveled downstairs into the crypt a literal chill went up my spine. Hopefully, it was from the actual cold or just that I watch too much American Horror Story and was getting excited for the ghosts! Downstairs houses big names like Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Marie Curie, Louis Braille, and a bunch of other important dead men.

Told you, You can find it everywhere!

Outside the Musee d'Orsay I <3 Elephants!

Le Pantheon
Church Le Pantheon replaced

Story of St. Dennis patron saint of France

Foucault's Pendulum in the center of Le Pantheon

Drew admiring his surroundings

Story of Joan of Arc!

Voltaire's Tomb!

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Tomb!
The Crypt...

Kimm in the Crypt!

His name is written in braille underneath!

Les Miserables anyone?

Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood!

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