Thursday, February 2, 2012

Turning into a Parisian

 As my time in Paris seems to rapidly be coming to a end I have knocked off almost every tourist attraction that the city of Paris could have sent my way! Recently, I've been spending my days studying for midterms in little cafes, because against my will I have midterms and in 7 classes... I have finals! This is definitely a speedy education. Thankfully, part of become this Paris woman I am on my way to being STJ is helping out. They are immersing us into society with something we have to do for a lot of our classes called ASL or Academic Service Learning. So far, I've completed 2 hours out of 6 needed, and they were the best 2 hours of my stay in Paris to date! I got to an elementary school here in the city and help out as an aid to classes. For one hour I went with a 1st grade class; never in my life has a group of kids been so excited to meet me! Some of them spoke english and they would give me compliment after compliment and those that didn't speak english would translate through those that did asking me how old I was and where I was from. I know I was a major distraction for the teacher but I LOVED it!  After those kids ran off to recess I was moved into my element... a preschool class. The teacher first asked me in broken English "Do you play" and I looked at her and in my head said...clearly we've never met. For the next hour I played building and reading and coloring! It is the best feeling to know that kids all over are all the same, from Wee Burn to Paris, they play the same...even if we can't speak the same language..everyone speaks play!

Girls Night Out!
Sharing is responsible!

Me and My roommate Jackie!

Me being bombarded by the preschoolers!

Chamber of Secrets much?

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