Friday, January 20, 2012

I was given a Passport back in time

So weather has been very.. european... lately. No sun and rain is threatening at every moment! However, in the City of Love what better to do than take a little backpack through time at amazing museums to keep me out of the cold and wet. So Thursday afternoon I infiltrated the French Art and Architecture's class trip to the Louvre. Gorgeous! Tre tre magnific! We stayed there until the French kicked us out at closing time! A trip I intend on making a few more times before leaving Paris. Then after enjoying some midnight magic in Paris, I set off to a town called Issy to the Chateau Versailles. A gorgeous palace that is frozen in time (although the area around it clearly has moved forward!) My mouth managed to stay open the entire time in pure awe. Hopefully, my photos will do it justice but I highly doubt anything could live up to the detail and beauty in that palace!

Entrance to the Louvre

The Louvre!

Not sure what exhibit this is..but it involves a monkey out the window.

Natalie, Ellen, and Jordan tripping to the Lourve!


David's Coronation of Napoleon. I get to see this twice!

David self portrait!

The Mona Lisa!

Les Miserables anyone!?

Panini inception!

To all the glories of France!
Welcome to Versailles!

Natalie, Ellen, and Meg at Versailles!

Cathedral at Versailles


Every ceiling is beautiful!

Erica soaking in some Versailles history

The Hall of Mirrors!

Anybody see a little Harry Potter resemblance?

Louis' Sleeping quarter

Marie Antoinette's Bed

Lumiere and Cogsworth!

Reconstruction of paintings

At the Louvre and Versailles

Even the frame of the painting is super fancy!

West Wing, Princes Wing

Apartment les Dauphine

The Sun King!

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