Monday, January 23, 2012

The climb to the top!

School starts all too early every morning but I've made sure to explore the city everyday after I finish learning (which I promise I'm doing!) Today we traveled to Sacre-Coeur! Checked out the Moulin Rouge on the way and traveled all the way up a very...very tall hill  to the chapel. If Europe is going to do anything for me its going to tone my bum and thighs to pure stone from all this walking I do everyday! Stepping up the same stairs in Montmartre that Picasso, Dali, Hemmingway and tons of other artist climbed up everyday made the mile high climb all OK though!
The Big Apple!

The stairs... Always stairs..
Moulin Rouge! OoLaLa!

Not Picasso or Dali but art is still alive in Montmarte!
Up we go!

Sacre-Coeur, Sacred Heart!

Paris at our backs!

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