Wednesday, May 2, 2012

There's no kangaroos in Austria!

After the best bus ride of my life.. and by best I mean personal movies and complimentary drinks, we landed in Vienna, Austria. Vienna was pure bliss once we arrived, the weather, unlike Prague, was picture perfect! We settled in for a nice Austrian-Italian meal as our Easter dinner feast after we arrived in the late evening. The hostel we stayed at was called the Wombat's Backpackers, a chain in Europe that went above and beyond, because they served peanut butter at breakfast!!! 
Vienna served to be a very different city than any i've encountered all over Europe. It had the commercialism of Time Square in NYC but also had the immaculate old architecture that I saw all over Paris, it was an absolutely breathtaking harmony! Our first stop in Vienna was to take an old trolly around the Red Ring of the main town. This gave us our bearings of where to go then we were on foot from there on out, because although Vienna is magnificent it's not the biggest tourist city.. not too too many attractions to keep a short attention span going but thankfully I was preoccupied by the beautiful tulips all over the place! We saw castles, buildings, even ferris wheels with hundreds of years of history, which a lot of was actually based on music! Vienna is also known as the city of Cafes so we did a decent amount of hunting to find old and fun coffee shops to rest our tired legs! And those legs really needed a good rest after we mistakenly decided to walk about 10 miles to Mozart's grave site! But finally, we found our way to the famous Naschmarket for some authentic Austrian food and cool shops to explore. Then it was off to the next city the next day; our goodbyes to Amanda and our hellos to Barcelona!! 

View From the world's Oldest Ferris Wheel!

WWII Memorial

I Climbed.. whoops! 

All that walking... for this! 

Palace Time!! 

Easter Dinner Date night! 


Cafe that we spent one afternoon in, apparently this place is older
than Vienna herself! Fun old time ambiance and good coffee too!

Off to see the Wizard!

Vienna was filled with tons of random
art on the street that made the trip an
interesting eye spy mission!

Mozart Memorial, one of many

Reminded me of a little Tim Burton action.. 

Bob Marley makes an appearance in Austria!

I found the Easter bunnies!!

Inside St. Stephen's Church 

The nose plays...

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