Friday, May 4, 2012

A Farewell Speech

So my last few days in Spain and in Europe as a whole have come to an end. This is the bittersweet goodbye that none of us were ready to really give in to. As of last night, I had to say my first rounds of goodbyes which there is nothing in the world that can really prepare me for this. In the last few weeks alone I finished my trip by going out with a bang and now its all coming to a close. Our second to last week in Spain was filled in Feria de Abril in Sevilla. A huge festival that Seville is famous for, happens every year about 2 weeks after their famous Semana Santa. The festival is unlike any other I've ever seen before, completely based around family and the community. They build up a city of "casestas" or little houses where they had dinners, dancing, and partying inside (it's very exclusive however and quite the honor to be invited in...i never was) This is the festival that everyone thinks of but don't know it however.. this is home of Flamenco dresses! Everyone is dressed up to the nines and back again and it is truly a sight to see! In the back of the casesta village there was an entire carnival that looked straight out of Greece! Feria started with a huge party to commence the lighting ceremony monday at midnight and ended right after we arrived home from Portugal with a huge firework show at midnight to symbolize the end of the event! 

And with the school I've had the opportunity to go on a ton of different excursions in and outside of the city itself. To the Alcazar Palace, a moorish building that shows the Muslim influence quite strongly! I got to see the Bull Ring, that I before didn't really feel to good about from the inside and learn a different side about. I got to go inside of the ring and learn the ins and outs of what goes on, still not a huge fan (and still reminds me of the hunger games) but it was really cool to hear about its' history and get to see the underground level.. it made me think about the Colosseum in Rome and what that must have been like when it was still being used, going into the underground exits. I got to experience the major Cathedral in Sevilla (because I needed to see ONE MORE church before I left Europe!) 


My Love! 

Braving the upside down and fast rides! 

Firework show!! 

Churros y Chocolate! 

Feria Lighting! 

Alcazar Palace! 

Feria de Abril!!! 

My Ferris Wheel! 

We are just Big Kids! 

Welcome to the Arena! 

The Bull's Gate! 

One last prayer before the fighters go into the pen! 


Christopher Columbus' Grave

View from the Giralda Tower

Our Goodbye Show! :(

Now that my time is almost come to a complete end I have to take a moment and reflect on everything I've just experienced because even though it happened to me, it all feels like a dream. I've been able to visit 8 countries in the last 4 months. I've had permanent residency in France, Italy, and Spain! I've visited 15 cities all over the world and experienced different things in each one! I was given the chance to learn the culture and languages of so many people. And along the way I met 73 crazy kids that each learned how to annoy me in some special way, but only the way a brother or sister could attack my buttons! As cleche as it may be, I really did Discover the World over this last few months and this chapter in my life will truly affect each of the next chapters to come as I press forward in life! 

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