Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Snickers, You Can't Say That!

Ello Ello Again! Cheerio I just got back from a weekend in London! It was a truly amazing experience (and a huge relief to hear English!!) I loved my time in London and can't wait till I see her again! It is the perfect balance between the new and the old; the present, the past, and the future all mash together to make up the streets and culture of London. I traveled the weekend with a wolf pack of 13 of my girlfriends and it was truly the perfect getaway for all of us! My time in England was extremely well spent. After we arrived Friday we had tickets to ride the double decker bus tour around the city to explore and site see all there was to offer! After trying fish&chips I got to see everything from Westminster to Buckingham to Piccadily and beyond! Also, In London I saw snow for the first time this year!!! (And apparently it was London's first time seeing snow in decades because it shut the city down!)My big eye opener on this trip was when I arrived at Westminster Abbey (after my Harry Potter walking tour!!) I began to see thousands of people in costume! At first rumors circulated that it was a protest, a 99% of some kind... then there was an idea that it was a massive bar crawl to give santa-con a run for its money.. finally we find out that it is Waitangi Day. Now you may say...what the hell is Waitangi Day?? I thought the same thing. Come to find out it is New Zealands day of independence when the signed the documents naming them as their own territory! As I walked more and more into the rambunctious (and very intoxicated) crowd I saw that their costumes varied from Serta sheep to New Zealand flight attendants all the way to New Zealand brand condoms! This celebration was definitely the funniest and best part of my trip because this was something we couldn't have written into our itinerary.. this was all just part of the adventure!!

Ello Korrie in London!
The London Eye!

I conquered the Lion!! 

The animals outside of Buckingham Palace are very Freindly!

Double Deckers

My lovely roommate and I eurotriping!

All the Girls at Buckingham Palace!

A big struggle to mount the lion! 
I do?

Spending some time on the tube

realllly friendly squirrel babybear

Adventure onto the lion! So many laughs over this!


eye see you!

The 1st snow of the season!

friendly animals...

1st picture on the soils of England

Guinness' Wall of Appreciation!

Remember they drive on the other side of the road!

Girls on the Double Decker!

Meditating Protest...30 years strong.

Big Bus Tour!

Her Majesty's Theatre.

Did I mention it was cold???

Did I mention it was cold  freezing!

I road the lion!

Gates of the Palace!

Truly Stoic.

I'm royalty now!

Alfred Hitchcock. 

Closest I've ever been to a squirrel babybear

The bird keepers cottage!

Here come the Olympics!!

A little taste  of NYC!
Happy Chinese New Year!


Natalie Weasley, Reenactment!
Diagon Alley!

Ron Weasley Snapshot!

Westminister Abbey and Big Ben!

Double checking the time!

Waitangi Day!
Ready to Waiangi Party!

Made it to the top of the pole to commemorate Waitangi!

The 1st Snow!!!

I'm going to Hogwarts! 

The funniest fall and moment of the trip.

Classic Moment!

Now that I'm back in Paris it was time to check out the dead again! So I headed over to 

Père Lachaise Cemetery to kiss the feet of Oscar Wilde and to pay some respects to Jim Morrison!!! 

Jim Morrison's tree @ his grave
People are Strange!

Could You show me the way to the next Whiskey Bar?

Kissing Oscar Wilde's Grave!
"And alien tears will fill for him 
Pity's long-broken urn, 
For his mourners will be outcast men, 
And outcasts always mourn."

The Adam's Family Tomb!

Père Lachaise Cemetery

Jim's Grave.
Without you in the storm we can't ride on.
Welcome to the other side

Falafel for the Crepe Princess! 



  1. This was one long blog girlfriend! Love it... I'm stealing all of your pictures!!

  2. ahhh we can comment on you're blog now? I am so excited.
