Sunday, March 4, 2012

When in Rome... we still look like Americans.

At first, I had to ask myself... why do all of these Europeans have such a bad image of Americans? Obvious answer, media. Funnily enough, after last summers debauchery if you say the words New and Jersey Italians will spit on the floor.. thanks Jersey Shore cast! I also had to wonder.. how do Europeans know what an American specifically looks like.. and man can I tell now! I walk the streets, after living only 8 weeks in Europe and being no expert in being European but I scope out all the Americans as I walk the streets.. I can even tell different European countries apart from what people look like and wear! My DTW friends and I have also been incapable of abandoning many American habits, so we too are still easily picked out in a crowd but im working on it, I will come home a new worldly person! 
         Since I arrived home from Venice and Florence its been all about exploring Rome, because believe it or not I only have two and a half weeks left in this city!! Time is flying by and I would love for it to slow down! I have been trying to do a lot of exploring but the more I do the longer my laundry list of exploring gets! I can't take it... I guess I'll just have to come back (how does that sound for college graduation present mom and dad?) 

Girls out on a Roman adventure

Pub Crawl T-shirts!

Great night!!

Capturing the height of the city!
Inside the Colosseum. 


Roman Jewish Ghetto. 

Site where Mussolini opened the gates
to the ghetto and let the Nazi soilders
arrest and take almost 3,000 Jewish people
to death camps. 

Spring Time in Rome on the Tiber!

St. Maria in Trastevere.

Back to the Colosseum. 

Amy's photo shoot with the Colosseum. 

Roman Water Fountain. 

Villa Borghese 

Lion Time!!


Jackie's Struggle...again!

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