Monday, April 23, 2012

I'm a Sevillian Civilian.

Well, I must apologize for being so very behind in all things blog. I have kept all of you waiting to hear about my european adventures.. and well I have been on a few! Since I last left off, I've lived in Seville for 4 weeks now but have had the chance to break away for spring break for a 10 day adventure to Prague, Czech Republic; Vienna, Austria; and Barcelona, Spain!! I'm going to post all the pictures from those trips in their own blog posts after this one. Here is just my little catch up on all things Sevilla~~

First of all, it's important to mention that Sevilla is different than everywhere else in Europe I've traveled to.. the city is stuck in s.l.o.w.m.o.t.i.o.n! Unlike Barcelona which is a bustling Spanish city that still thoroughly enjoys siesta, Sevilla LOVES its' siesta! The town closes it's doors from around 1-8pm. Then reopens to keep going for the later dinner crowd. I should also mention it can easily be confused with paradise... The majority of our weather (other than a few rainy days) has been nothing but tropic sun and high 70's, believe it or not... i'm getting pretty tan! All this summer weather has put the DTW group in a summer mood extreme! We do a lot of tanning and relaxing here and it didn't take very long for people to get used to the napping/siesta concept (that i've embraced for so long)..The city itself isn't a huge tourist trap (which is why I think so many elderly tourists seem to crowd the city center all day long) which is also why my pictures haven't been blowing up blogspot! I've let myself and my pictures go on vacation here! But hopefully some of these will make up for the lack of posts because I have done really amazing things like this weekend I saw a Bull Fight in the oldest Bull Fighting Ring in Spain and I visited the Aracena Caves outside of Sevilla with the school which was potentially the coolest all natural thing I've ever seen! And Tonight starts the Feria de Abril, a huge festival that happens once a year in Sevilla!  Sevilla has treated me very well and with the 2 week mark until America reached I have a few good days to look forward too and cherish my last few days in Spain!!

Night out with Amy!
Summer Days with Trish

Some of the DTW girls! 

Seville's Large Mushroom cloud contraption..

This is the Rooster that wakes me up...
His sins were only pardoned when I found
his flock of new chicks hanging around him..

Terrifying? I know, However this is the traditional dress
For Semana Santa  or Holy Week in Seville.

More artsy nonsense 

What  a beauty!! 
2 of my best girls! 
Kimm found a squirrel cave :) 

Plaza de Espana, in Parque Maria Luisa (where I run everyday) 

It's a family affair! The different colors represent different fraternity-like organizations
that each represent different groups, but the outfits are a type of penance for sins same
reason some choose to walk barefoot or carry chains.

Decent into the Avacena Caves! 

This place was amazing! 98% humidity so it was a warm
tunnel underneath the castle on top the mountain.

The drippy looking stuff was natural limestone that grows from the floors to the ceilings all over the place! 

A little light role playing on a random sunday in Seville...


Some of the gang before the show begins (probably why the faces still look so happy and innocent!)

Matador Parade 

Bull # 1. Throughout the Bull Fight 6 Bulls will be fought
and sacrificed, for a price of about 60,000 Euro. 

The Second part after the initial matador action, the horse
rider will stab the Bull to make him more tired.

Starring contest.. the bull won (just this time) 

This bull wasn't a good enough fighter so the crowd called
for a switch to a better bull so this heard was brought into
to heard the fighting bull out of the arena.

The ceremonial removal of the bulls

The ambush! 

Show boating for the crowd!

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